To change your LCUSD account password, head over to the LCUSD Password Reset webpage:
You will need to enter your email address, current password, and your new password.
If you have forgotten your password, arrange to visit your site Technologist and they will be able to assist you.
And we have some password creation tips for your review:
Password Creation Tips
Idea #1
- Think of three-four random words like water bumper troll beak
- Add the complexity rules (ABC, abc, 0-9, #$@!^)
- w@terbump3rtroLLbeak
- Don’t use this one :)
Idea #2
- Think of a phrase or sentence with at least eight words. It should be something easy for you to remember but hard for someone who knows you to guess. It could be a line from a favorite poem, story, movie, song lyric, or quotation you like. Example: "I Want To Put A Dent In The Universe"
- Remove all but the first letter of each word in your phrase: IWTPADITU
- Replace several of the upper-case letters with lower case ones, at random: iWtpADitU
- Now substitute a number for at least one of the letters. (Here, we’ve changed the capital “I” to the numeral 1): iWtpAD1tU
- Finally, use special characters ( $, &, +, !, @) to replace a letter or two -- preferably a letter that is repeated in the phrase. You can also add an extra character to the mix. (Here, we’ve replaced the “t” with “+”, and added an exclamation point at the end.) : iW+pAD1tU!
- Don’t use this one either!
Idea #3
- This technique is called person, action, object.
- Select an image of an interesting place (Mount Rushmore). Select a photo of a familiar or famous person (Beyonce). Imagine some random action along with a random object (Beyonce driving a Jello mold at Mount Rushmore). You’ll remember the image and this will help with your password
- Take the first 3-4 letters of some of the words in the phrase to make beydrijelrush
- Now add some of the complexity rules: Beydr1jel@Rush
- This one is good, I know, but you can’t have it.
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