If you forgot your password, we can help! You'll need to be on campus to reset this, but it works on any school computer.
First, visit your site technology experts. They will ask for your account that ends in @mylcusd.net for students, or @lcusd.net for staff. This will allow them to create you a temporary password. Keep this password in mind!
Next, click here or navigate to a new window in your browser and visit ssap.lcusd.net. Support staff may have dedicated computers for this, so feel free to ask. Once the site loads, you will have reached the La Cañada Unified Active Directory Password Reset page. The instructions are simple, you'll need the same account name used earlier along with the temporary password provided by support, and time to think of a strong, new password.
When thinking of your new password, be aware that there are certain requirements for passwords to maintain the security of district data. Your password must:
- Contain 8 or more characters.
- Contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.
- Contain at least one number or special character (%, &, $, @, etc.).
Once you click the reset button, you'll receive a message confirming you reset your password. This means that you will now log into district computers as well as your Google account using the password you just created.
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