This is your Gradebook “dashboard.”
Edit Scores by Class = all assignments at the top (will expand as more assignments are entered. Looks like Illuminate gradebook did.) In the upper left hand corner of this page is the option to "override NA grades."
Edit Scores by Assignment = one assignment screen with all the bells and whistles under “show more”: grading complete button, mass assign values (fill down), and comments and status cells.
Mangage Gradebook = Options (Apply Assignment Scores Immediately; Hide Dropped Students); Manage Students; Categories and grading scale (called "Final Marks").
Once you are in a gradebook (by class or assignment), you don’t have to go back to your Dashboard to choose the above choices.
The top left corner of any gradebook has a dropdown menu of your gradebooks so you don't have to go to "Dashboard" to see all of your classes.
The top right corner of any gradebook has a “Manage” button with all the “Manage Gradebook” options.
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