Screencast Walk Through of Creating your Gradebook
From your Aeries Homepage, click "Gradebooks" on the left.
Mass Add Gradebooks.
Select each (all) classes. Next. (All classes will be created at the same time--the system knows which students to put into which classes.)
For 7-12, select Fall and Spring Terms. Click “create gradebooks.”
And For Elementary, select all three trimester terms. Click “create gradebooks.”
Add/Drop students for each class:
Click “Add/drop students,” then "All Entering Students" on the window that pops up. No need to do each class one at a time. Click “Add all students” at the bottom.
Link gradebooks if desired. Linking makes it so that when one assignment is added to one gradebook, it is automatically added to linked gradebooks.
Click “link gradebooks,” then group gradebooks by numbering similar courses together.
For elementary, this might be helpful if you teach three different groups the same ELA course material.
Click “Manage gradebooks,” to choose gradebook options.
Manage Gradebook options, from left to right:
Edit Gradebook: Edit the title or period of your gradebook. Choose tri- or semesters instead of year options! (Even though you have the same students all year.)
Options: Please see here for every option and which are important to attend to.
1. Even if not calculating final scores by categories, you must add one category, under which all assignments will be go. Call this one category “Assignments,” or “Our Work.”
2. If using weighted categories, check the box for “Doing weighted scoring.”
3. “Color” doesn’t mean much--will just show you at a glance how many of each category you have in your gradebook.
1. Add Assignment Title then pay attention to Category, Assigned on and due Dates, Number Correct Possible (see here to see difference between that and Points Possible.
2. Choose both “Visibility” options. See more info here.
3. Push assignment to non-linked gradebooks if desired.
4. Manage Students: Transfer students (NOT drop them!) and their grades
Final Marks: Follows College Board scale by default. May change by department if stated in syllabus. Read more about how to edit here.
Rules: Drop lowest score according to one of two mathematical calculations:
“Negative Weight” is calculated by determining the difference between the Max Score and the actual Score (Max – Score). This means that between two scores, 5/10 and 60/100, the 60/100 will be dropped because the deficit is more points than 5/10.
“% Score” is determined by dividing the actual Score by the Max Score (Score / Max). This means 5/10 might be dropped instead of 60/100 because 5/10 has a lower percentage score than 60/100.
The Difference between Edit Scores by Class, Assignment, or Student on your Gradebook Dashboard page:
Score by class: a spreadsheet of all students, all assignments, all grades.
Score by assignment:
1. Can add Comments and status as notes, as well as change date completed.
2. “More”:
A. Import from Google Classroom (“Import from Google”)
B. Mass assign values (like filldown; can also mass assign for status or comments)
Score by Student: use to see the breakdown of a student’s grade or to manually input multiple grades for one student.
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