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Make sure all rosters are correct. Go into your Gradebook. See the red add/drop button? Click it and follow the add/drop students directions here.
You do NOT need to make a gradebook or have an assignment or grade for homeroom and STEP classes. If you are only going to give you TAs or IP students one grade, you don't need a gradebook for them either. You can simply give all these students a final grade on the Posting Grades page.
Go back to the Aeries home page. (Click on the three lines in the top left corner and click “Home.”)
Click on “Grades” on the left-side menu.
Grades will take you to the Grades Posting page. Here is what to expect:
Click “Load Grades from Gradebook.”
Click “next” on Step 1. You don’t need to “override existing marks” here. You’ll do that later from a different page.
Step 2: make sure the Gradebook showing is the correct one (Fall = 1st semester, Spring = 2nd Semester). For example, if you are posting grades for 1st semester on January 5th, it might automatically have switched to your Spring gradebook.
The assignment range will show you that grading period's dates.
Step 3: Make sure your grading scale looks correct. You can change your grading scale within your gradebooks (e.g. you don’t give + or - grades) following these directions.
Step 4 (the last step): Click “Import Grades.” This will then take you back to the original Posting Grades page where you will be able to override grades and enter citizenship and comments.
You will now see the Posting Grades page with final grades from your gradebook filled in. Click “Edit All Records” at the top of the page to override grades and enter citizenship and comments.
On the Edit All Records page, you can override grades, give your STEP/homeroom students a grade of NM (no filldown available), enter citizenship (“Mass Add Value” for citizenship filldown), and enter comments. No work habits grades are necessary. Comment list here.
Clicking “Done Editing” will bring you back to the original Posting Grades page, reflecting any overridden grades, citizenship, and comments. Choose another period and continue.
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