Students can access the same software they use at school by first logging into Google at home, and then going to the Classlink site.
Note: These instructions are for using Classlink in a web browser on a home computer. If you want to use Classlink on an iPad or iPhone, please use the Classlink App. Instructions can be found in the help article LC Classlink App for iOS.
1. On a home computer, go to the site. (Any web browser should be fine, but the Chrome browser might work best.)
2. From the Google homepage, you will do one of two things:
a. If no one is logged into Google, click on the button in the upper right hand corner of the screen to "Sign in".
b. If someone in your household has a personal Google account, they may already be signed in with that account. In this case you will see a circular icon or picture in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Click this icon, then click the "Add account" button that appears at the bottom of the new window.
3. Have the student log into Google by entering their student login and password.
(The username is usually the first initial + last name + high school graduation year +, e.g.
You may need to select "Use another account" before it asks for the student login and password.
4. Click again on the icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen to verify the student account name is displayed, and you are logged in correctly to the student's Google account.
5. Now that the student is logged into their school Google account, they should have access to their school bookmarks. Select the Classlink bookmark to go to the Classlink website. You can also type in the Google Omnibar (the address bar/Google search box).
6. At the Classlink site, choose "sign in with Google" at the bottom.
7. If it lists several accounts, choose the correct student account.
8. If this is the first time running Classlink from home, Google may ask to install the Classlink Extension. Allow the Extension to be installed. See Classlink at Home: Installing the Required Browser Extension for more information.
Classlink will work at home the same way it works for the student at school. They can select the apps they want to use (e.g. Accelerated Reader, IXL, Everyday Math), and Classlink will automatically log them in.
When the student has finished working on their assignment, it is a good idea for them to log out of their Classlink account and their Google account so the student's Google account does not get confused with another user's Google account.
1. In Classlink, click the circular icon or picture in the upper left hand corner of the screen, then click the "sign out" button. This will sign the student out of Classlink.
2. In Google, click the circular icon or picture in the upper right hand corner of the screen, then click the "Sign out" button. This will sign the student out of Google.
Now the computer can be used without accidentally accessing the student's account.
If anyone was previously signed into Google with their personal accounts, they may need to sign in again to access Gmail, Google Calendar, etc.
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