Sometimes your Windows computer or laptop will not play audio, or will play audio out from a different location. This may be due to the fact that you have several different audio outputs (for example, external speakers, and/or a connected Projector, and/or a Web Cam) available on your system. It is easy to select the audio output you want to use.
To change your audio output
1. Click on the "Audio" icon (that looks like sound waves coming out of a speaker) to the right of the Windows task bar at the bottom.
2. It will display the audio output that Windows is currently using. If you are using external speakers, they are connected to the laptop via the headphone jack so Windows calls this output "Headphones". (So unless you are actually using headphones, "Headphones" refers to your external speakers, while "Speakers" refers to your computer's internal speakers. You will usually want to choose "Headphones" to hear the audio come out of your connected external speakers.)
3. To change the audio output to a different destination, click on the ^ symbol to the right to display all your audio options.
4. Select the audio output you want to use. Again, this will usually be "Headphones" to use the external speakers that are connected via the headphone jack.
5. Test this output by playing audio or a video with audio to make sure the sound is coming out the location you want.
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